God has blessed me with you
If it was that simple !

The Hero

When I first laid eyes on you, and even before I got to know your name, I could feel you owned a piece of my heart. Later on, when I got to know who you really were, I knewww that you owned my heart … Then, the day came when each of us was taking a different path with their lives; this is when I realized that YOU OWN ME …
the only ONE that matters !
...and this is all because of you


Attachment..........according to the dictionary it's "a feeling of affection for a person or an institution".
I think I better leave right now
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
Feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
YOU lost it!

You lost it! This is the end of it. You can never have it back. I am not letting you. It kills me how you come again and ask for it as if nothing ever happened, as if you were never wrong. Oh yes! You ARE never wrong, that's a fact you always tried to convince yourself with. But not all facts are true. This one is not.
"It's better to be hated for who you are, than be loved for who you are not."
The Golden Rules

Growing Up .... Freaking Out!

My final semester at AUC is almost starting, and I AM FREAKING OUT! Suddenly, I don’t want to graduate. Nope, it doesn’t feel like the right thing for me now. I have no idea where I want to go next. Suddenly, all the dreams I had seem so far away, so unreachable. Watching all the people I knew graduated, is worrying me even more. They’re all complaining about how real life is harder than it seemed, and how they wish to go back to college. That’s another thing that’s troubling me, did I make the best out of those years I spent in college? or did I just go through each day, hoping that all this could end and that I can graduate and start all the fun? I wish I could stop time, sit, and think deeply about all that. I wish I could start over. I wish someone can tell me where to go and what's the right thing to do.