
Totally Random

Lying there on the couch in the living room, after everyone in the house went to sleep. I open my favorite Maher Zain playlist, and I lie there listening to the most inspiring voice ever! Oh God! his voice just puts me in this peaceful mood. I lie there thinking about everything that's been happening this week. The first week in college. So far, so good, but I feel like I've lost interest in graduating. I just have a lot of plans inside my head that fully occupy my mind. This is how it always goes; I get excited about something for a minute, and then the next minute whoooosh gone !

I know I'm a weirdo. I even admit that I have a stupid side of me that shows most of the time, and I'm ok with that. I mean I wasn't, but I guess I got used to it. I hate feeling down, and all the grief and sorrow that come along with this feeling. I remember that day when i decided to stop thinking and just go out there and face whatever life is going to throw at my face. It was one great day! walking around with nothing inside my head..or let me say "pretending" that nothing is going on inside my head, and with a fake smile on my face. What surprised me was that the day went perfectly well, better than any other day..even though I was faking it !

But what I really thought about afterwards is, can I really "stop" thinking? blaaaakh! I hate myself when I start thinking. I remember this movie "Peaceful Warrior", when the old man told the guy that he has to throw out all the garbage inside his head. wow! I really need to do that, but I have no idea how! If only there was this machine that you could put on the top of your head, and it just sucks all the "trash" and negative thoughts out :)

Anyway, I think I'll go back to my playlist....maybe that'll take my mind off things for a while :)


why does it always have to be like this?

Just finished watching a movie called "My Life Without Me"...hmmmm it was one tragic movie full of drama, not boring, but not my type though. It was about this woman who found out that she has a tumor in her ovaries and that she's going to die in two months. She preferred not to tell anyone about that, and kept it to herself. She wrote a journal about all the things she wants to do before dying. Interesting! Although there's something that I didn't like, not about the movie, bas in general ya3ny.........why do we have to know when we'll die to wake up and start living our lives to the fullest? she knew she'd die in two months, that's why she went out there and did all the things she wanted to do. tayeb eh ya3ny? ma we could die the next minute! It really annoys me when people do that..ya3ny lazem t3rafo hatmooto emta 3alashan t3eesho sa7?