

They either whispered disapproving comments, or just walked by like it wasn't even happening. The little girl sat there crying, hurt by the cursing words her mother threw at her. Embarrassed. Looking around for someone to rescue her from her insane mother. No one did. No one dared. Was it that no one had the courage? Or that no one even cared?

It was human-less; what the mother did, and how the people responded.


صدق وإخلاص

There was this hashtag on Twitter called #SedkWaEkhlas

The best tweet I loved was this one;
ابن القيم : فالصدق والإخلاص هو أن تبذل كلك لمحبوبك وحده ثم تحتقر ما بذلت في جنب ما يستحقه، ثم لا تنظر إلى ذلك 

I somehow visualized when I do things for people that I love so much, and it really NEVER seems enough. And I always think they definitely deserve more, and that what I did was nothing. 

But سبحان الله when it comes to عبادات, I always feel يااااااه برافو عليا I did so and so today .. as if كتَّر خيرى lol
I wish I could reach this stage when nothing of my أعمال seem enough ..

I also remembered حكمة عطائية that someone shared before,
من علامات الاعتماد على العمل نقصان الرجاء عند وجود الزلل

That is so true! When I feel that I'm doing fine with عبادات, whenever I do something wrong during this phase, I feel like I have some credit, I don't need to worry about asking God for forgiveness .. which is the total opposite when I know that during one phase my life is a total mess and that I haven't been doing my best regarding عبادات, I feel more guilty then, and I'm more sincere when asking God for forgiveness ..

That was the first time for me to consciously realize that I do that.

يا رب ارزقنا الإخلاص يااا رب