You know this feeling you get when you listen to an inspiring song or watch a motivational video? It makes you feel on top of the world, and all your dreams and hopes seem much more simpler than you thought they were (or maybe it's just me). I listen to the song and visualize how I'll make my dream come true, and it makes perfect sense! I'm not exaggerating or anything, but this is really how I feel, and it's a good feeling, a great feeling actually. Then, the song is over, and everything is over with it. Reality is much worse than those few minutes I spent living inside the song. I once heard a quote "The problem with reality is that there's no background music" .. maybe that's true after all! Imagine having music in the background throughout our days, wouldn't that be awesome?! I'd be under the music's spell ALL the time, and maybe then I'd do all the things I want to do, and it would seem as simple as those scenes in a movie with someone doing the impossible just because there was background music. Maybe it's all about background music! maybe that's the secret!
oh ... assuming that I have a dream to start with !