There was this hashtag on Twitter called #SedkWaEkhlas
The best tweet I loved was this one;
ابن القيم : فالصدق والإخلاص هو أن تبذل كلك لمحبوبك وحده ثم تحتقر ما بذلت في جنب ما يستحقه، ثم لا تنظر إلى ذلك
I somehow visualized when I do things for people that I love so much, and it really NEVER seems enough. And I always think they definitely deserve more, and that what I did was nothing.
But سبحان الله when it comes to عبادات, I always feel يااااااه برافو عليا I did so and so today .. as if كتَّر خيرى lol
I wish I could reach this stage when nothing of my أعمال seem enough ..
I also remembered حكمة عطائية that someone shared before,
من علامات الاعتماد على العمل نقصان الرجاء عند وجود الزلل
That is so true! When I feel that I'm doing fine with عبادات, whenever I do something wrong during this phase, I feel like I have some credit, I don't need to worry about asking God for forgiveness .. which is the total opposite when I know that during one phase my life is a total mess and that I haven't been doing my best regarding عبادات, I feel more guilty then, and I'm more sincere when asking God for forgiveness ..
That was the first time for me to consciously realize that I do that.
يا رب ارزقنا الإخلاص يااا رب