Although the last two years of
my life were not my happiest in terms of satisfaction with myself and
where I'm going, it never happened that I got depressed as much as I did
two weeks ago. They were the worst three days. I literally didn't want
to get out of bed, talk to anyone, or do anything. I felt like giving up
on this world.
the not very nice person I am when I'm depressed, my family decided to
leave me alone, which I very much respect. Then one morning my mom
emailed me this photo:
It made me smile, but didn't really get me out of my depression. A
couple of days later when I was back on track el7amdulilah, I kept
thinking about this photo my mom sent me. It's not about where I'm
going, it's about who's with me all the way.
If you know me too well, you'd know that most of my
down times are because I still can't figure out yet what I'm supposed to
do with my life. It sucks waking up every morning without having
something to be passionate about. Anyway I can write a whole post about
the meaningless of my life.
Back to the photo that my mom sent me. If there's
one thing that's keeping me going, and is making me bear living through
every day, it would definitely be the awesome people in my life. It is indeed
one of the ultimate blessings that I can't thank Him enough for.
Those people that make me smile and laugh even when I
don't feel like it. Those who surprise me with random things that make
my heart grin :) Those who came into my life at exactly the right time,
when I most needed them.
If you're reading this blog post now because I sent
you its link, then you are one of those awesome people in my life. And I
just wanted to thank you. Very much!
Thank you
for existing, and for making my life bearable. I truly love you. And I
love when we share the tiniest details of our lives together. I love your good
morning messages, and how random you can get sometimes.
My world is a better place because of you.
I'm still going to feel down, and ponder over the meaningless of my life.. but I'd remember you in the middle of my thoughts and smile and know that you are what truly matters.
This might seem like a very cheesy post, but I don't care. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate having you in my life.
Special thanks to my awesome mom who inspired me to write this post.