A couple of days ago I was wandering through my Facebook timeline, then I found this picture posted by a friend.
I liked the picture and thought it's creative. It's all about perspective, that's how I saw it. Most people (including myself) would see the bottom half of the picture as wires making up a fence. The upper half proves otherwise, they're birds not wires! Just wow. Perspective perspective. I also thought about it in terms of freedom. The wires transforming into birds and flying away.
Anyway, I scroll down the page a bit more, and I find this ......
That second picture is posted by another friend who is not related in any way to my friend who posted the first picture. I go like this :O
What's with the wires and birds, and how I choose to see them?
I sat there staring for a couple of minutes, thinking how creepy this is getting. Is it some kind of a message from God?
Wires and birds .... I have no idea what I should get out of this.