I can't stop listening to the same song since yesterday. I'm not just listening to it, I feel like I'm living inside the song. And what is really weird is that it doesn't apply to me.......oh wait, maybe it does!!!
It just feels good having this song on repeat, and sighing every time the song starts playing. It's a sad song, and I can't help but getting all the negative energy transfered from the song to my soul. A few tears start slipping from my eyes, and I feel miserable. Not sure where this misery comes from. The song is either a magical song casting me under its spell, or I'm simply very stupid.
I turn off this miserable song, and play my favorite happy song that always cheers me up whatever my mood is. But still. I feel the misery all over the place. It's not just in me. Everything is miserable around me. MISERY IN THE AIR. ummmm and I think I kind of like this feeling .... I decide to play the sad song again. I'm enjoying the pain. I want to sit there in the dark and feel sorry for myself.
Me, myself, I, and the misery .........